How Much Does A Dental Bridge Cost With Insurance



If you have a missing tooth, dental insurance is the right plan for y

2022-11-06 08:14:50



If you have a missing tooth, dental insurance is the right plan for you.  The appropriate way to replace a missing tooth is to use a permanent dental bridge. This practice is commonly known as the fixed bridge because it’s permanently cemented in the place.

Generally, it’s a tooth or teeth permanently attached to the natural teeth on either side of the mouth. This type of tooth helps you replace the missing teeth and restore your confidence.  Like any other dental bridge, the false tooth replaces the missing teeth permanently. It’s always held in the area by the natural teeth on either side of the gap, popularly known as abutments.

Tooth dental bridge replacement is an appropriate way to keep away natural teeth from drifting into the gap. Also, it prevents unbalanced bites and uneven wearing of the remaining teeth. In addition, it supports lips and cheek muscles, supports the reaming teeth, and aids in chewing and speaking clearly. As a result, it prevents lips and jaws from sagging.

How much do dental bridges cost with insurance?  The bridge cost with insurance is based on several factors which we'll highlight in this segment. Dental insurance helps clients cover the cost of replacing missing teeth and dental bridges.

About Guardian Direct Insurance

Guardian Direct dental insurance is specialized in covering clients’ implants cost. The Core PPO and Guardian Direct Dental Advantage Achiever coverages cover 50% of the implants after a year. The Dental Advantage Achiever policy offers a maximum benefit of $1,000, while the Dental Advantage Core coverage offers a maximum benefit of $700 on several implants.

What is a dental bridge?

If a doctor removes your tooth because of gum diseases, decay, or trauma, likelihood you’ll be left with a gap between your teeth.  A traditional dental bridge can be categorized into two parts:  attachments to the teeth known as abutments, and a false tooth referred to as a pontic. These abutments and false teeth are fused permanently. Its goal is to bridge the gap left by the missing teeth.

The false tooth helps in restoring your ability to speak, chew, and bite.  But make sure you seek a qualified dentist to cement the dental bridge permanently, avoiding slippery or movement when you speak or eat.  It also gives you impeccable confidence, especially when talking or laughing.

Generally, dental bridges are designed with different types of materials like Zirconia, alloys, gold, and porcelain.  Because there are different types of dental bridge designs, ensure you discuss with your dentist before striking a deal with any materials or design.

What are the types of dental bridges?    

Today, there are four major types of dental bridges globally.  It’s recommended to seek a dentist to help you through the tooth replacement process. Many dentists rely on factors like your personal budget, the health of your other teeth, your insurance plan, and the actual number of missing teeth.

1.   Traditional dental bridges    

Traditional dental bridges are the oldest type of dental bridges that are reliable and long-lasting. They have one or more false teeth that are attached to crowns and held in space on either side of the gap.

The disadvantage of traditional dental bridges is that they need to be attached crowns on the abutment teeth.  This could lead to cause tooth decay or defect. Remember, the goal of crowing your teeth is to make them stable for the bridge.

2.   Cantilever bridges    

Cantilever bridges always use a single abutment rather than two. This makes the abutment tooth experience much force during chewing. Therefore, ensure the abutment tooth is stable to overcome all forces. Cantilever bridges may develop fractures because of the forces enacted on them during chewing.

3.   Maryland bridges

Maryland bridge is a less invasive type of dental bridge. It uses a framework or metal bar to hold false teeth permanently. Unlike traditional and cantilever bridges, Maryland doesn't function properly, especially in places that experience more stress during eating like the molar places.  Unfortunately, you can develop issues with a framework and bar false teeth if they get into the gums and tongue area.

4.  Implant-supported bridges

Implant-supported bridges are placed to the dental impact directly rather than crowing a false tooth. A dental implant is typically a special tooth placed into the jawbone in places where a tooth is missing. It’s built to blend with other teeth. But they are usually expensive types of dental bridges.

Implant-supported bridges require surgery to place the implant and then give them time for healing.  Also, it requires trained and qualified dentists and other professionals to fuel the treatment process.  Some implants require dental bridge support to replace more than one tooth. Implant bride is the best deal for a person with three or more missing teeth in the same row.

How much do dental bridges cost without insurance? 

Bridge dental work prices are based on several factors, like the number of teeth that must be replaced, and several abutments required for the bridge.  Generally, the cost of a tooth is close to $1,500 based on several factors.  But bridges involve treatment more than a tooth. A person who wants to replace several teeth, but doesn’t have insurance coverage could incur $4,500.

The process involves a preparatory process like anesthesia or x-rays. So, without any dental insurance plan, you’ll pay for all expenses. Whether Guardian Direct dental policy or any other, dental insurance can help you to cover at least 50 % of the overall costs of the dental bridges. So, take advantage of these dental insurance covers and ensure you choose one that suits your needs.     


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blog/A-Step-to-Step-Guide-on-Dental-Insurance-in-Kenya">dental insurance is the right plan for you.  The appropriate way to replace a missing tooth is to use a permanent dental bridge. This practice is commonly known as the fixed bridge because it’s permanently cemented in the place.<

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