The Benefits of the Having NHIF in Kenya


The Kenya National Health Insurance Fund (nhif) is an organization that fully supports pregnant women all over the country. In this post, I will take you through the NHIF pregnancy cov

2022-01-17 11:52:29


The Kenya National Health Insurance Fund (nhif) is an organization that fully supports pregnant women all over the country. In this post, I will take you through the NHIF pregnancy cover because it’s an important occasion I’ve ever felt its importance. The national health insurance fund Kenya headquarters in Nairobi recommends an individual register for its services as long as the person has over 3 months before delivery.

The option plays a major role for those who haven't yet registered for its services.  Unlike other health insurance companies in Kenya, the NHIF covers a person when she gives birth within the period of 10 months for acquisition. Most hospitals require you to present an NHIF card in order to deliver safely. Whether Cesarean or not, the NHIF covers you fully. So, don't worry about the future outcomes just have the NHIF card ready.

 What are the benefits of nhif in Kenya?

Here are nhif packages:

·         Family planning- Tubal and Vasectomy Ligation

·         Caesarean (CS) package in government hospitals and comprehensive maternity, private and mission hospitals

·         Dialysis at Moi Teaching and Kenyatta National Hospital Referral Hospital at a rebate

·         NHIF offers in-patient services inexpensive and private hospitals on a dual-payment basis.

·         NHIF offers intensive medical cover in more than 400 accredited Government facilities, private health providers, and Mission health providers.

·        What does Kenya nhif cover?  NHIF doesn’t exclude any condition

Proposed Benefits

The proposed benefits cover several benefits:  

·         General consultation with general practitioners

·         Drugs laboratory test

·         Medicines

·         Health and wellness education

·         Family planning

·         Sexually Transmitted Infections treatments

·         Diagnostic testing, treatment, or dressing

·         Prescribed ultrasound diagnosis and X-rays

·         Post-natal and ante-natal care


Is nhif taxable in Kenya? Yes, formal industries employees’ contributions are remitted and deduced to the fund by their employers. They typically pay through E-banking or by Cheque. However, members working in the voluntary organization pay around Kshs 500 per month. But within the formal sectors contributions are made based on the employee’s income.


NHIF members from both informal and formal sectors enjoy its benefits. But for those serving within the formal sector, nhif policy is mandatory to them.  While those within the retirees and informal sectors, the subscription is voluntary and open. If you have been struggling to find the NHIF services, it's time you register by filling out its membership form or reaching out to the Huduma Centers. 


ts pregnant women all over the country. In this post, I will take you through the NHIF pregnancy cover because it’s an important occasion I’ve ever felt its importance. The national health insurance fund Kenya headquarters in Nairobi recommends an individual register for its services as

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