The Best Tools to Help You Save Money



Most people don't know how to save money and make a significant difference in their savin

2022-10-28 08:28:05



Most people don't know how to save money and make a significant difference in their savings journey. However, there are different types of money saving apps that can help you grow your savings.

We all know that money doesn’t grow on bucks, so take advantage of these best apps for saving money and budgeting to take your savings to the next level. In that case, this post will look at the top 10 best money saving apps and how to use them in your day-to-day savings journey.

Let’s get started!

1.  LearnVest

LearnVest is a finance company built to help youth manage their finances.  This responsive app is free to use and supports almost mobile banking features. The good news is that you can link LearnVest to your accounts, create a budget, track your savings goals and establish your savings objectives. You can also use it to monitor what’s going on with your account.

2.  Mint  

Mint is the best money saving and investing app for beginners. The app allows you to link up all your accounts. Plus, it helps you create a budget, keeps your expenses into different categories, gets reminders for bill payments, checks your credit score, customizes money savings hacks, and reduces fees based on how you often spend.

3.  Level Money  

Level Money is the best saving tool and it's popularly known as the money meter. The app helps individuals to monitor their spending habits, identify where they often waste their money and learn the best tricks to save money. You can also know the amount you always waste on unnecessary expenses. The app also shares habits you can embrace to change your spending habits.

4.  Digit 

If you’re that person who can’t save money whatsoever, consider a helping hand. So, try the Digit app to save your money. This saving app will help monitor your income and spending habits. It will also transfer a specific amount into your savings account daily. The digital app is one of the free saving money apps, so take advantage of it.

5.  Acorns


Acorns are the best money savings app for the student. The app helps you invest despite the money you invest in. In addition, Acorns will compound your expenses to dollars and then invest into a stock portfolio.  Once you’ve reached a threshold, transfer your earnings into Acorn’s savings account, but it must be at least $5.

6.  IVA- Advice

Today, outstanding bills are the major barrier to saving money. However, the   IVA-Advice app breaks the barriers and norms. You can also hire a proficient finance guru to take care of your expenses.  Likely, after 60 months, all your outstanding balances will be written off and then be debt free.

7.  Good Budget   

Good Budget help users monitor how much they spend money. The app also allows you to link up all your credit cards and bank accounts and sync transactions. Further, the app tracks the amount left in your bank account and keeps aside a specific amount for necessary expenses.

8.  BillGurd

The app helps users monitor all their transactions effortlessly. Also, it will help you protect your identity and ensure nobody is making unauthorized purchases on your accounts. Again, it’s one of the best investment apps for UK money saving experts and the best automatic money savings app.

9.  Mint Bills    

Mint Bills is typically a Mint extension. The app allows you to monitor your bills and balances in a single place. Also, it schedules payments pays bills directly from the app and receives reminders about the latest purchases. Further, the app notifies you when your money is lower.

10.             MoneyWiz

MoneyWiz app helps users manage budgeting, bills, and bank accounts.  The app helps users get you out of a financial crisis effortlessly. You can also use it to compare your earnings and spending from a different dimension. Further, MoneyWiz helps you learn the best tips to save money easily.


y">Most people don't know how to save money and make a significant difference in their savings journey. However, there are different types of money saving apps that can help you grow your savings.

We all know that money doesn’t grow on bucks, so take advantage of these best apps

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